Our Business
The Main activities of MACE are primarily in the
areas of Aviation, Communications, Electronics, Security
Equipment, Manufacturer of Plastic, Imports and Distribution of
Communication and Electronic Testing Equipment, Imports and
Distribution of Consumer Electronics and Electrical Components.
- Airfield Lighting
ADB, The World’s leading manufacturer of Airfield Lighting Solutions with a market share of 75 of the World Market In a time where airport safety issues play an increasingly important role, ADB offers ground lighting solutions designed to optimize movement capacity, while still remaining cost-effective Project representative Airfield lighting for airport runways for safe landing and takeoff.
With more than 60 years of experience in the aviation around the lighting industry, ADB not only possesses the technical knowledge and expertise to professionally coordinate projects from planning to implementation and after-sales, including a range of visual aids equipment but also power supply and electronic equipment In close cooperation with experienced agents and distributors, ADB supports airports worldwide in maximizing their movement safety, lighting efficiency and maintenance.
MACE provides logistics, technical support, installation and commissioning, etc for specific airport projects.
- Baggage Handling System
Dafaiku Logan is a specialist in baggage system manufacture and integration. With a full range of baggage system products, solutions and services, we are one of the few companies in the world able to provide for all aspects of a baggage systems technology and leading-edge material handling solutions, we aim to provide our airport and aviation clients the highest level of service, quality and know-how to enable their systems to meet the demands of today and the future. MACE provides logistics, technical support, installation, commissioning, etc. for specific airport projects.
- Mobile Controls Towers
Mobile Control Towers for Air Traffic Control Emergency situations and national disasters require urgent solutions for Air Traffic Control to provide immediate relief by provision of Air Traffic Services Time is essential in saving lives and Mobile Control Towers support the urgent provision of air traffic control for aircraft to land and take off MACE has provided technical expertise in the supply of Mobile Control Towers for Civil Aviation in Nigeria X1
- Solar Airfield Lighting
Flash technology is the world’s leading provider of solar airfield lighting, enabling aircraft operations worldwide without grid power, cabling or electrical vaults, with tough, rugged designs suited for all temperatures. Flash Technology products are ideally suited for use at all locations around the world. We have installed more solar airfields than any other company. For over 15 years, our durable and reliable products have exceeded industry standards including FAA and ICAO.
Our products are manufactured in the USA and Canada. MACE provides logistics, technical support, installation and commissioning etc. for specific airport projects.
- Air Traffic Control
Communication for Air Traffic control is the priority for today’s Aviation Ineo Suez is a competent System Integrator for all fields in Aviation and Communications Area Control Centers, Satellite Communications, Scada Systems, VSAT Networks, Fiber Optic Networks, Multiplexer Solutions, Mobile Control Tower, AFTN AIS for Aviation and Oil Gas Sectors.
MACE handles all logistics, tender, local administration and technical support for Ineo in Nigeria References are the upgrades of Satellite Communication Network (SATCOM) for Air Traffic Control (NAMA) Provision of Air Traffic Mobile Control Towers for Aviation Authorities (NAMA), Voice Communication Switching System for communication and Air Traffic Control.
- Navigational Aids
Thales ATM Representative Leaders in Air Navigation Equipment Today’s Aviation requires sophisticated and reliable equipment for Air Traffic Navigation Thales is the only Manufacturer producing the full range of Air Navigation Equipment and control 85 of the World market for Air Navigation Equipment MACE provides Logistics, Technical Expertise and Administration in Nigeria for Navigational Aids within the Sub Region References include all airports in Nigeria for Civil Aviation, Osubi Airport for Shell Petroleum, Bebi Airport for State Government.
MACE has been a company present for more than 37 years in
the West African market. The activities of MACE are primarily in the
areas of all type Communications,
Xalted is leading solutions provider engaged in OSS/BSS, Telecom Security and Managed Services A fast growing company, XALTED has a proven track record of successfully anaging increasing network complexities and reducing costs for leading telcos and communication service providers worldwide Despite a competitive business environment, communication service providers can maximize revenues with our scalable and integrated solutions With Xalted’s solution offering, your legacy systems can coexist with new generation systems and benefit from markedly reduced CAPEX without compromise on service quality standards
MACE is the Nigeria representative for Xalted in Nigeria providing logistics, training and technical support.
- Voice Control Switching System
Frequentis Canada ATM is one of the leading manufacturers of Voice Control Switching Systems with a highly progressive growth rate in the provision of switching systems and technical expertise for Civil Aviation, Communications, Emergency, Industry, large corporations, etc. Being a provider of high technology switching system at a reasonable cost has accelerated development of Solacom with large orders from some of the world’s leading aviation companies MACE is the Nigerian representative for Frequentis Canada ATM in Nigeria providing logistics, training and technical support.
- Fiber Testers
Backed by Tektronix’ 50-plus years of leadership in test and measurement, we offer the industry’s most advanced solutions for today’s new and emerging standards. MACE optical solutions address the needs of Manufacturing tests and the stringent demands of designing next-generation High-Speed Network Elements, 40 Gb/s and beyond.
MACE products and expertise feature a swept wavelength system that enables excellent advancement in optical research, development, and manufacturing through industry-leading resolution, Pico meter level accuracy, and high dynamic range. The system optimizes test time and assures equipment quality for manufacturers delivering optical components that cost-effectively increase network bandwidth and maximum fiber capacity. MACE products offer three classifications of the measurement systems to the marketplace: Swept Wavelength systems, Compact Optical Power Meters, and Performance Leading Tunable Lasers.
- Aeroflex / Racal Instruments
Aeroflex previously known as Marconi Instruments Aeroflex is a major manufacturer of test and measurement solutions Aeroflex manufactures equipment for the Communications, Aviation, Broadcasting, Power and Industrial application MACE is the channel business partner in Nigeria for Aeroflex and provides technical support, order information, repairs and maintenance, training, logistics support and deliveries of the equipment.
- Tektronix
Tektronix is the leading test and measurement equipment manufacturer worldwide Tektronix provides solutions for easy analysis for Communications,
Electronics, Broadcasting, Power and Industrial Applications Tektronix manufactures the widest range of products for test and measurement solutions Spectrum Analyzers, Oscilloscopes, Wireless Field Tools, Protocol Analyzers, Signal Analyzers, Audio and Video Test Instrument etc MACE is the channel business partner in Nigeria for Tektronix and provides technical support, training, order information, repairs and maintenance, logistic support and deliveries of the equipment.
- Smiths Detection
Smiths Detection is the world’s largest manufacturer of security scanning x ray machines Due to the large threat of terrorism activities today interception and detection is the primary means of preventing disasters Being a manufacturer of the highest technology detection equipment, Smiths is leading in its position of detection equipment at all airports, seaports, cargo ports, ministers, government secure areas, industries and specialized locations Smith’s machines are highly sophisticated in the techniques of detection for organic, non organic, liquid, metal and steel detection
MACE is the Nigerian representative for Smiths Detection provides logistic and technical expertise locally Having an experienced and well trained team of engineers in Nigeria MACE conducts all installation, maintenance, repairs, training and technical support Some of the major projects include the Federal Airport Authority, government, courier companies, cargo handling companies, postal services, oil and gas companies, customs services for inspection and detection of containers on the destination inspection of imports
Some references of Smiths Detection Security machines supply, installation and maintenance in Nigeria are listed within.
Close circuit television monitoring is one of the major security requirements for monitoring and early detection of theft terrorism activities Today almost all public areas, airports, train stations, seaports, government buildings, department stores, and supermarket monitored effectively by CCTV MACE provides complete technical expertise in installation, maintenance and training for CCTV networks.
- Car Park Toll Gate Equipment
SCHEIDT BACHMANN is the leading manufacturer of car park, toll gate, access control equipment in the world Located today at almost all major international airport car parks, ports, government buildings, industrial areas, hotels, recreational facilities S&B provides high technology solutions through research and development MACE represents SCHEIDT BACHMANN in Nigeria with the provision of technical support for installations and maintenance.
- Metal Detectors
Smiths Detections walkthrough and handheld metal detectors Today’s priority security conditions require the immediate detection of metallic objects used in terrorism activities such as guns, bombs, and other sensitive metal objects Most airports, seaports, government buildings, sensitive buildings, conference halls, political locations require strict security to detect metallic objects MACE provides technical expertise for the installation, repairs and maintenance, training and technical support in Nigeria.

Businesses we Distribute for